It's after midnight, which of course means that I have no interest in sleeping. Why would I? I only spent all day long wanting to go back to bed. Everyone knows that insomniacs love sleeping, but only at any time except night. So here I am, wide awake and wanting to write. That hasn't been happening much lately for some reason. Looking at my blog archive for the year, four posts in two months is pretty pathetic indeed. Maybe that means I've been sleeping more, but I really don't remember. But since I hear that getting lots of sleep is good for your memory, I'm thinking that's not too likely. And I can tell you that for the next few months there is going to be even less sleep going on, and probably less blogging too. Sorry folks (folk maybe, at this point?).
Perhaps it's because I spend a lot of time with toddlers, but I'm imagining you throwing a big tantrum right now. I'm also imagining that you are inconsolable and it's going to take something crazy to stop your crying already! Well are you ready?
We're moving.
To Amsterdam.
And I didn't misspell any of that, or lie, or even exaggerate. And that's a pretty big deal, for me.
Seriously, we're moving to Amsterdam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you remember a year ago, how we went to Mexico, and I wrote this Message to the Universe, and there was a lot of questioning of our sanity, and then I didn't write anything about it for an entire year because it seemed utterly ridiculous? Well, as it turns out, Oprah is true, and the Universe is an awesome Universe, and Mark's company has finally agreed to transfer him to their office in Amsterdam. Just like that.
I imagine at this point that you have a lot of questions. Let me try to preemptively answer:
1. Yes, we know-- red light district, marijuana, legal. We still want to go.
2. Probably 2 years, maybe longer.
3. Yes, super excited. Thrilled.
4. Extremely terrified. Extremely.
5. Mark has started to learn Dutch already. I can say cheese, which I believe is pronounced "gouda."
5. Our kids are excited, depending on the day. It helps that we tell them that there are no streets and cars there, only canals and boats.
6. We don't know. Sometime in June or early July. There are a lot of relocation details we are still working out.
7. Yes, we will miss you all(!!), and we hope we get lots of visitors!
So in the meantime, if I drop off the face of the blogging world for a few months, I will resurface from Amsterdam and we'll continue where we left off, except with a fake dutch accent and wearing lots of scarves.
Stay tuned for Bardsleyland: Dutch Edition, where I imagine the Universe will teach us a lesson or two.