Nov 5, 2008

Historic Day

I fell asleep while putting the kids to bed, and woke up to find we had a new President Elect. It is incredibly exciting to watch the news coverage and realize what we have been a part of. Mark and I were commenting that our kids will never remember a time when the racial barrier to the US Presidency had not been broken, and I find that to be thrilling. Though Mia might have some vague memories of this day-- I told her we were electing a new president today, and (I promise I didn't tell her who I voted for), I later heard her tell Sam, "I'm voting for Obama. You're voting for John McCain." (Sorry Senator McCain, he's only 3). And then for the rest of the day, they yelled and screamed and fought with each other, reminding me of much of this LONG, LONG campaign. Which brings me to the next reason why I am excited (no make that ecstatic!): IT'S FREAKING OVER!!!!!!!!!! Are you with me on this or not? Although SNL will possibly be a little more lame, I for one can't wait to just going back to complaining about regular commercials again. And maybe our phone will stop ringing so much between 5-9 PM. No matter what outcome you were hoping for today, I think we can agree that we will all be better off without nasty attack ads, creepy robocalls, and ridiculous forwarded emails. OK, maybe the email thing is a little too optimistic, but this campaign was all about change right? Everyone repeat after me: YES WE CAN (stop forwarding emails)! Very good.

Editor's Note: I feel I should comment that the decision process for me this election was not an easy one. As an independent, at one point I declared that I hated voting (but really what I despise is the campaigning culture of lies, distortions, and unrealistic promises). Add to that my frustrations with the electoral college, and my almost crippling pity for any one who has to lose in such a huge way, and suddenly my civic duty turns into a civic nightmare. In the past I've had no problem voting for 3rd party candidates, but this year I finally came down on the side of a front-runner candidate, and so far I'm very optimistic and inspired by the outcome. Of course, it's only been 3 hours, and it's pretty hard to mess up in that time frame. I know some of you will be worried about the Democrats having so much power, but I was encouraged during Obama's speech when he promised to especially listen to those who disagree with him. I hope he sticks to this promise. Whew! OK, enough seriousness. I promise my next post will be 100% sarcasm. And if that sounds like an unrealistic promise, well, maybe there's a politician in me after all. But read my lips: No new taxes!


Anonymous said...

I am with you all the way. I could not be more relieved, proud and worried at the same time. Picking the lesser of two evils is hard but I know the right choice was made last night. This mama is for Obama!
Jen Bardsley

Gabriela Hull said...

Well said, Donna. Great post. Even though I didn't vote for him it was neat to witness a historic moment.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh...I too am with you!

Neva said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. I pride myslf as a fence-sitter who tends to lean to the left, but this time I jumped all the way in. For the first time I didn't even think about voting for Ralph Nader or writing myself in. I was so giddy on election night, I let my kids stay up way after their bedtime on a school night to see the coverage. I feel like our country will finally breathe some fresh air. I also hated the attack ads and the freaky e-mails, but SNL was so dang funny (fix it!) that it made up for all the negativity.

Patty said...

Happy Birthday Donna! I always love reading your blog. LOL!