Oct 20, 2008

Time Out

Last weekend I went to a Time Out for Women Conference in Portland. What's that? you ask. Well, here's how I described it to some friends who I managed to coerce into going with me, "It's somewhat of a disturbing form of Mormon commercialism where people make money off of our need for increased spirituality, but whatever." (It may seem a little weird to quote myself, but what is a blog if not a perfect vehicle for rampant narcissism?) Anyway, I was intrigued by some of the speakers this year (including one of my favorite byu religion profs), and the theme this year was "A Joyful Life," so I figured, what the heck-- my spiritual well-being was worth at least $69 right?

Well, I had an epiphany. Those of you who know me well, will know that making fun of cheesy Mormon music is one of my favorite past times. And considering that Kenneth Cope was one of the presenters, (and that he had to fill in a lot of time due to a speaker who couldn't make it), along with a few other equally inspiring musicians, you would think that I would have ample opportunity to indulge. You would think. But I just couldn't do it. Yes, there were times I really wanted to slam my head against the nearest hard surface, but there was something about seeing them perform live with all their humanity and vulnerability that inspired in me, dare I say it? A little bit of respect. It was a little shocking to realize I am more of a Paula than a Simon Cowell after all. So I cried like a baby and rushed out and bought all their albums. Just kidding, I still have my dignity after all.

(OK I can't resist: IF I was my former self and not temporarily changed, I would have made this comment: According to the program, Kenneth Cope has a "rock solid testimony of the Savior that is evident in every note." And it's so true! One time, he played a d# and I just knew he totally had a testimony of Jesus. (See, that's how cynical I used to be.)

But overall, it was a great weekend: the speakers were great, the conference was great, and I had a great time with the girls. We giggled (seriously, giggled like school girls) all the way there, all through the conference, and then all the way home. As I told a friend before I left: "hopefully I will come back so overflowing with joy that I won’t even notice the piles of paperwork, dirty bathrooms, noxious weeds, and that ubiquitous spoiled milk smell. If not, then I might resort to plan B: becoming addicted to pain meds." (Yes, quoting myself again.) So far, the joy has lingered long enough for me to at least write this blog post. All in all, my take-away lessons are:
  • be nice in line at the post office
  • to be a good Mormon I need to buy a lot of things from Deseret Books
  • the new white hot chocolate at Starbucks is really good.
The Ladies

Thanks Laura and Ros for all the laughs (we'll have to make a pilgrimage to Spiffy's every year). Thanks to my sister Kristy for letting us crash at her place and staying up talking politics with us. And thanks Time Out for keeping me off Percocet for at least another week.


Sara said...

Good for you, checking your cynicism at the door... I feel like if you're going to spend $69 to listen to Kenneth Cope, you may as well try to enjoy it!

I'm glad you guys had fun!

Shelly said...

I thought I was the only mormon girl who hated "fake"(not produced by the church) church music. I never knew there were so many weird church songs until I went to Ricks. It was a big wake up call. Keep up the blog...I love it!

Laura A said...

Your d# comment had me laughing so hard, Nate came running to see if I was hurt.

It WAS a great time, and I agree with you about not having the heart to poke fun while looking into their sincere faces.

And I'm all for the yearly pilgrimage. I'll bring the Tums!

Anonymous said...

Rosalind said...This is the first post I have ever left on a blog!! Yeah! I had a wonderful KC weekend! You girlies are great!


In my world even Jesus would laugh at that d# joke. If not, I don't think I'll be very happy living with him.

Easily the funniest part of Suzy's and my Tuesday.

Another proof that Jesus has a sense of humor:

I have to give a talk in Sacrament this Sunday with Dallin Oaks' talk on Sacrament meeting as my primary source. I've never given a reverent Sacrament talk in my life, and pretty much all of the Oaks talk is that Sacrament meeting needs to be much more reverent. The hypocrisy this Sunday will be palpable.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up. I love how real you are. So glad we are friends.

I'm happy you all had fun together!

Neva said...

Puh-lease don't ever change your cynicism! I need kindred spirits!

When my Sam was getting baptized we went to Deseret Book to price scriptures and I was shocked to find that you can buy a special towel for your kid to dry off with after his baptism. It's even embroidered with "My baptism Towel" or something equally ridiculous. I'm not kidding! I told Sam that wasn't what being baptized was all about and that it didn't make a difference whether you dried off with a fancy towel or paper towels. I'm sure that someone out there thinks that I'm a horrible Mormon for not indulging in this, but I stick to my guns on this one.

And my left political leanings.

And my disdain for "fake" church stories. I call them "Faith-promoting untruths."

I could go on and on. Donna, you are truly awesome.

L and T said...

Donna- I am copying your white trash bday idea, for Trav's bday in a few weeks.
Will you email me at mrsmarchant@hotmail.com
with any fabulous ideas you'd like to share?