May 9, 2008

Technical Difficulties

OK, so what is going on with the header of my blog taking up residence in the middle of our picture? Help blogger pros! In the meantime, to me this has become the symbol of all the hundreds of little things that make me think "I should do something about that" every time I see it, and then as soon as it's out of sight, blissfully forget about it and do nothing instead. So I guess it's fitting to have this little glitch on my blog, since it pretty much sums up my life in one nice visual image. It's probably here to stay. For now, I'm going to go walk past my piano with the broken key, past the growing mound of Mia's artwork that needs to be relocated, while not looking at the folded laundry that should be put away, and get some ice cream. Yummmmm, ice cream...


Sara said...

I think your header is just custom with the style of blog that you chose. I think to change the header up you'd have to change the entire look and go with a different layout. Just a guess...
I like it in the middle.

Neva said...

I seriously thought you did that on purpose. You always did march to your own drummer and I thought this was just another form of self-expression. I like it in the middle too.